8:00 – 12:00 Uhr
13:00 – 19:30 Uhr
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr
13:00 – 19:30 Uhr
8:00 – 13:00 Uhr
14:00 – 20:00 Uhr
7:30 Uhr – by appointment
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr
13:00 – 18:00 Uhr
7:30 Uhr – by appointment
Dental Practice
Bezirksstraße 50,
85716 Unterschleissheim
as important as your car inspection
Prophylaxis –
as important as your car inspection
Healthy teeth and a bright beautiful smile: invaluable treasures that you should try to keep for a lifetime. Our practice’s concept will help you along the way: prevention instead of treatment! You can take different preventative measures at home through proper dental care and a healthy diet. At our practice we work with state-of-the-art devices to complement your preventative actions. That way cavities and periodontitis don’t stand a chance.
Halitosis: always fresh breath
One in four Europeans suffers from halitosis. However, it is still widely considered to be a taboo topic.
In ancient Greek mythology halitosis had momentous consequences: The women of the island Lemnos were infused with terrible breath by Aphrodite as a punishment for their failure in worshipping her sanctuaries. As a consequence their husbands took to their heels. We make sure no one will desert you.
Saliva: a very special juice
In order to maintain healthy teeth, mineralized saliva is essential. Through a bacteria and saliva test, we are able to determine your personal risk for tooth decay and periodontitis. Are there too many bacteria in your saliva? Do you have a healthy diet?
The saliva test serves as an important basis for all further prophylaxis measures.
It mainly depends on you whether you preserve healthy teeth. Our dental hygienist – Brigitte Schulte – provides you with thorough advice for a healthy diet and reinforces proper home dental care techniques with a brush, floss and other tools.
Several times a year the professionals clean
No matter how well you brush: some places are just impossible to reach. This is where plaque and tartar build-up trigger cavities. Therefore, the core preventative method in our practice is a professional teeth cleaning by our trained dental hygienist at the highest possible hygienic level with state of the art devices. We stop all kinds of dental plaque in a pain-free and thorough way.
Survival of the fittest: fluorides
In case you are threatened by an increased risk of tooth decay, we are able to fluoridate your teeth. In this process we apply fluorides – natural minerals, which strengthen your teeth and make them more resistant towards bacteria.
All closed up: fissure sealing
Many teeth have small cracks, which can make them more vulnerable for cavities. No brush can handle those fissures. That is why we seal deep cracks and grooves with synthetic material that quickly hardens
No fear of the dentist and beautiful teeth all your life!