Roland Madesta – Curriculum Vitae

1982-1987 study Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen
1988 Approval to the dentist
1988 – 1990 Assistant (Dr. Baresel)
1990 Foundation of a single practice in Nuremberg, Cuxhavenerstr.70
1994 Moving with extension of day hospital for implantology to Dr. med. Madesta / Dr. Arendt
2003 appointment as reviewer for prosthetics and periodontosis
2005 Expansion with second location in Ansbach Draisstr. 2 to ÜBAG Madesta, dr. Arendt, dr. Frunzke
Multiple training in implantology and prosthetics
2010 Curriculum Prosthetics of the DG Pro for the field of prosthetics after a longer stay abroad in London
2017 move to Munich